created 2003 - 2005       

Document 25

1460 [record of 24 December – payment to Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza]

E adi XXIIII de dicembre libre diece, soldi sedice marchesani, per lui dalo Illustrissimo nostro Signore, per soa manefatura et spexa de dipinzere para 3 de triunfi, consignate a Piedro de Schiveto per uxo dela guardaroba delo Illustrissimo nostro Signore; e posto a Spexa a c. 100 a termine de mixi 6 prosimi advegnire, principiati in la fine deli infrascripti mixi, videlicet:
  • In fine de luglio 1460 …………………… L. 3.12.0.
  • In fine de novembre prosimo passato ……L. 7. 4. 0.
  • Al "Memoriale GG", a c. 376 ……………L. X. XVI.
[Franceschini 1993 n. 917a (p. 554)]

Preliminary translation
(by Ross Gregory Caldwell)

And the 24th day of December ten lire, sixteen soldi marchesane, for him from our Most Illustrious Lord, for his manufacture and expense in painting 3 packs of triumphs, given to Piedro de Schiveto for the use of the guardaroba of our Most Illustrious Lord; and posted in Expense at c. 100 at the end of the 6 months to come, starting at the end of the below written months, that is:
  • At the end of July 1460 …………….. L. 3. 12. 0.
  • At the end of November just past ……L. 7. 4. 0.
  • In the “Memoriale GG”, at c. 376 ……L. X. XVI.