Niccolo da Corregio (1450 - 1508)
- (?) alias Giovanni "Mercurio" da Corregio

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Provisional remarks to Luigi Pulci and his role in the Minchiate documents

Family: The online Condottieri dictionary of knows 23 persons of 2 1/2 centuries with the name of "Correggio", 3 uncles and 2 cousins and Niccolo da Correggio himself are counted between them (the genealogy knows some more Correggios, but not all were Condottieri). His father - also Niccolo - stayed uncounted, but it seems, that he died in the service of Sforza in the year 1449, when Sforza attacked Milan (3 of 4 uncles fought in this situation also at Sforza's side). The father was just married to Beatrice d'Este in 1448, the young Niccolo was still in the womb of his mother, when Niccolo the father died. Uncle Giberto became the most significant condottieri of the near relatives and was still active in militaric actions after the peace of Lodi, he was killed in treacherous murder 1455 after a long life full of adventurous action. The calmer uncles Manfredo and Antonio got difficulties with Galeazzo Maria Sforza in 1468, after the attack on Piero de Medici in Florence and in the following short war, Niccolo stood on their side. Although Niccolo lived with his cousins in the peaceful part of 15th century, he survived as active participant two duells, a year in prison, smaller wars and other militaric actions - similar to his cousins.

(Italian Genealogy of the Correggio-family)

Father: NICCOLO’ I, 4th son of 11 children of his father, Signore of Correggio (together with 3 of his 4 brothers) Signore of Campagnola, Rossena and Fabbrico, Patrizio of Parma and Patrizio of Veneto (+1449).

Mother: BEATRICE D'ESTE, daughter of Niccolo III. d'Este. She was present as 14-year-old girl during the half-years-visit of Bianca Maria Visconte, then 16 years old, at the d'Este court in Ferrara, at which opportunity "14 figure" were painted by Trionfi card painter Sagramoro as guest present for Bianca. In the later time she was called the "queen of the feasts" in Ferrara, 1448 she married relatively late with 21 years, but her husband was dead already in the first year of marriage, leaving her pregnant with the son Niccolo. She married a second time 1455, after the peace of Lodi, Tristano Sforza, son of Francesco Sforza, who became this way step-father to Niccolo. The marriage

Son: NICCOLO’ II “il Postumo”, had the privilege to take the heraldic device of the Visconti e di portare il cognome da Correggio Visconti dal Duca di Milano nel gennaio 1481, Kephalos From the life of Niccolo da Corregio: 1469 in Ferrara at the visit of the Emperor. Defintely he knows Lazzarelli, who also is in Ferrara at this occasion., and who is at this the youthful superstar, the poetus laureatus. 1471: Mentioned to have accompanied duke Borso to Rome. from here till April 1485 he is not mentioned to have been in Rome 1482: Involved in the Ferrara-Venetia war. Nov. 1482: Captured by the Venetians. In prison, about 10 monthes. Sept. 1483: Liberated in exchange for 4 Venetians. Is reported to be in Fereara after that with duke Ercole d'Este. No source between Sept. 83 - jan. 1485. The war ends. Febr. 1485: Accompanies Ercole d'Este to Venetia. Participates at an tournament organised by or for Roberto da San Severino (condottieri).. March 1485: As pilgrim in Loreto Apr. 1485: Visits Perugia and Roma together with the signore of Bologna, Giovanni di Bentivoglio June 1485: In Piemont with Duke Ercole. April 1486: in Rome again in militaric mission Jan. 1487: Theater activities in Ferrara, "Cephalos", commedia April 1487: in Rome again Conte Sovrano di Correggio e del Sacro Romano Impero per investitura concessa in Modena il 18-V-1452 dall’Imperatore, Conte di Castellazzo per investitura del Duca di Milano dal gennaio 1481, fu privato del feudo per futili motivi nel 1495, Signore di Campagnola, Rossena e Fabbrico, Patrizio di Parma e Patrizio Veneto, armato Cavaliere dall’Imperatore in Modena il 18-V-1452, Inviato del Duca di Ferrara ad accompagnare la Principessa Eleonora d’Aragona da Napoli a Ferrara nel 1473, Capitano delle Armate della Repubblica di Venezia dal febbraio 1475, passò agli stipendi del Duca di Milano nel settembre 1475, Capitano delle Armate del Duca di Ferrara dal 1479, Capitano delle Armate del Duca di Milano dal gennaio 1481, Consigliere del Duca di Milano dal gennaio 1481, Capitano delle Armate Pontificie dall’aprile 1486, Ambasciatore del Duca di Milano al Papa nel 1492, Inviato del Duca di Ferrara ad accompagnare Lucrezia Borgia da Roma a Ferrara nel 1501, fu poeta (*postumo, ?-II-1450, +Ferrara ?-II-1508, sepolto nella Chiesa di San Domenico di Correggio)

= 1472 Cassandra Colleoni, figlia naturale e legittimata di Bartolomeo Colleoni d’Angiò e Borgogna, Signore di Romano, la quale fondò il Monastero del Corpo di Cristo di Correggio e vi si ritirò una volta vedova (*1459, +Correggio 7-IX-1519) (v.)

(Huck Meyer)

The Mercurio in both pictures shows
great similarities, so one should assume
a context between both productions.
The top picture is a French miniature,
probably late 15th century,
ms. fr. 5066,
Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Paris


Mercurio of Mantegna Tarocchi