Model of the socalled "Ur-Tarot"
- Marseille-Type; also called Standard-Tarot)

the persons to the left - a dice-structure the battlefield in the middle - a life-tree-structure the lights to the right - a dice-structure

0 Fool
1 Magician

2 Popess
3 Empress
4 Emperor
5 Pope

6 Love 7 Chariot 8 Justice
9 Hermit 10 Wheel 11 Strength
12 Hanged Man 13 Death 14 Temperance
15 Devil

16 Turm
17 Star
18 Moon
19 Sun

20 Judgment
21 World


So let's correct it: Kick the devil out, replace it with some Prudentia. Matters look a little different then.

We've then something, that is a little more real the true "Ur-Tarot" - not really, as there had been other things before. But good enough to counter this talking of "Ur-Tarot" and this wrong approach of historical research of an object with many faces.

0 Fool
1 Magician

2 Popess
3 Empress
4 Emperor
5 Pope

6 Love 7 Chariot 8 Justice
9 Hermit 10 Wheel 11 Strength
12 Hanged Man 13 Death 14 Temperance
Prudentia or Visconti-Snake

16 Turm
17 Star
18 Moon
19 Sun

20 Judgment
21 World

Probably we've to say something more to it at other time. For instance: The year 1500 isn't that sure as changing date for Visconti-Snake to Devil. Probably it happened earlier. But that is all a matter of research.

Happy Winter solstice

(autorbis, 21st of December 2004)