Documents (1)
Early references to playing cards and related articles
Documents (2)
First appearances of the word Trionfi in relation to playing-cards (1442 - 1463)
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The Milanese Duke Filippo Maria Visconti commissioned before 1425 a manuscript and a playing card deck from Marziano da Tortona and Michelino da Besozzo. Jacopo Antonio Marcello got book and deck in 1449 and called it a new kind of Ludus Triumphorum.
Filippo Maria Visconti
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Bianca Maria Visconti
It is probable, that the first Trionfi-decks started with a 5x14-structure, the 14 trumps were considered as a 5th suit.
In 1423 Parisina, the young signora of Ferrara, imported from Florence "VIII Imperatori"-cards. It's unclear, which sort of cards it really had been, but it might be a predevelopment to the later Tarot cards.
From 14 to 22
in development
Ferrara 1441
At the 1.1.1441 the painter Sagramoro got some money for "14 figure" for the guest in Ferrara, Bianca Maria Visconti. One year later appears the first use of the word Trionfi in relation to playing cards.
Leonello d'Este
Ferrara 1441
Matteo Maria Boiardo
Matteo Maria Boiardo
At an unclear time between 1460 - 1494 the poet Matteo Maria Boiardo made a poem about Trionfi cards. They are quite unusual, but they finally have 22 trumps and 56 court and number cards