created 2003 - 2006
Start: Ferrara 1441
Before 1441
Ferrarese early history
Niccolo III. D'Este
Leonello D'Este (Part 1)
Playing Cards 1422 - 1441
First Note Playing Cards
The Imperatori deck (1423)
Parisina (cards)
Parisina (Frizzi)
Parisina (Gardener)
The Card Printing
Press (1437)
Cultural Change 1430 - 1441
Poggio and Guarino
Eugen IV., pope
Gemisthos Plethon
Jews in Ferrara
The Library
Money in Ferrara
Pero Tafur describes
Bianca Maria's Visit 1440 - 1441
Bianca Maria's visit
Niccolo's Family
After 1442
The Naples-Connection
Music in Ferrara
Added: Music in Ferrara
Artists active in the Studiolo
New Political Change 1450
Material to Borso
Tarot painters in Ferrara
Oldest Tarot Cards
The present at 1st of January 1441 (in progress)
The Document
has its focus on Tarot History and especially the origin of Tarot in 15th century, also the representation of about 100 000 Tarot and other playing cards in the Tarot Museum.
The Chapter "Ferrara 1441"
presents material to the situation at the court of Ferrara in 1441, just the time, when we've the firsdt documents, which indicate the existence of socalled "Trionfi cards".
Author: when not otherwise specified, autorbis. Copyright: trionfi.com. Links do lead occasionally to foreign sources, we've no influence on these sites and are not responsible for their representations and opinions.
Central pages:
International Start
Tarot History
Tarot Museum
Tarot in all Aspects
Tarot Iconography
Tarot Reading