Trionfi in the Art
Starting with pictures with the 6 chapter allegories on chariots, the artists developed from time to time more freedom, replacing Petrarcas allegories with others or Greek gods, finally also for natural persons. In a further development the chariot became unimportant, the artists learnt to express the idea of triumph with other stylistic measures.
Examples of Trionfi pictures in the net:
Triumphal chariot with many allegorical figures and a very fat triumphal arch by Duerer
2 triumphs of Holbein
Triumph of Poverty
Triumphs of Greek astrological gods in Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara
Triumph of Caesar - Cycle done by Mantegna
Triumph of St. George
Late Trionfi with Bacchus and Ariadne
Late Triumph of Neptun
Late Triumph of Flora
Late Trionfo of Divine Providence
Late Triumph of Pan
Trionfo del Priapus
Trionfo with Europa and Zeus
Trionfo with Leda and Zeus
Trionfo of Love meets Trionfo of Diana
Late Trionfo of Bacchus
Triumphal car of Kallo by Rubens
Trionfi examples: Single Figures
St. Barbara
Triumph of St. Thomas of Aquin
2 Triumphs of Giovanni da Bologna
Triumph of Faith
Triumph of Ferrante Gonzaga
Late Triumph of Samson
This Triumph of Death is from
ca. 1350 and earlier than Petrarca's poem Trionfi. It reminds the Great Death from 1348-1350,
which transformed Petrarcas life. According to his own words he did meet his poetical
ideal Laura at Good Friday 1327, and Laura died cause the plague at Good Friday, 1348.
Petrarca left his home at Vaucluse near Avignon around 1350 and spend
the most of the rest of his life in Italy. The poem Trionfi reflects his love to Laura and also
the dramatic changes in his own life, probably also the deep experience of the pestilence.
It became never clear in the researches
of Petrarcas life, if there had been once a real Laura or if she was only a poetical fugure.
Petrarca died similar perfect as Laura at his 70th birthday, with the writing pen in his hand, as he wished it before (might be a legend).
The Black Death of 1348/1350 is the great cut in 14th century. When we find not so much pictures, culture, development in the 14th century, simply
not so much remembering from the 14th century in our history books, then this is partly the result of a general breakdown
of many social systems at that time. Petrarca, who lived till 1450 a lot of his lifetime in France,
returned cause a diplomatic visit 10 years later. He finds dramatic words for the changes
in culture.