About us
We research the Origin of Tarot
My dedication to the theme started long ago with a special observation about the socalled Pierpont-Morgan-Bergamo-Tarocchi (also Visconti-Sforza cards). In the contrary to many other voices I developed the opinion, that it originally had only 14 trumps (5x14-theory).
Our theme is the development of the Trionfi in 15th century, a time, when this special deck type wasn't called Tarot and when the number of trumps was not naturally 22 (or 21+1). From our questions around the 5x14-theory we started to gather all, what seemed necessary to research the case.
Many side aspects
This is the page for us and the many side aspects of our research, which is mainly about the origin of Tarot in the 15th century, but which couldn't avoid to be concerned also with matters, which nearly have nothing to do with playing cards. Understanding Trionfi means to understand (also) 15th century in Italy, it means to understand art and it means also to understand that, what happened after.
This page tries to present the known data of playing card research in a manner, that you get a quick overview about relevant Tarot decks and other themes according to a time table. By links you can jump from here to pictures of the decks and related articles, also from other sites in the web. |
We're a Team and we research
We do live in an interesting time: the internet and its revolutionary possibilities are quite young.
We're pioneers, we use the web and its ways - which are new to mankind, more or less. We do not invent RESEARCH, but we have other and better conditions
as any researcher team before. If we like we can communicate within seconds, we can refer to documents in the web, which can be visited by the receivers
of notes quickly, such that they can join in the theme and the mental energies of the sender and give
feed-back or additional information. This was possible before - when a researcher detected a book in the library, he could show it to the other
researcher or tell him about it. But - how long took it to reach such a mental communication in a specific theme. For us it's often only a matter of an
afternoon or little longer to reach such a result and we can jump over language frontiers and great distances of space without much problems.
Mostly we haven't seen ever our partners in communication, we just live in and have decided to the confidence, that the others - often from foreign
countries and nations . have a similar interest in the studied object and from this a natural form of friendship. And it works ... not every time,
but very often.
And we can publish - unlimited ... the web is near and a page is setup within minutes, if necesssary. Other researchers before us needed years and a lot
of time and expenses to get their results printed and somehow reachable to others. It took much more time to get answers in a dialog with persons
interested in the prefered theme - this consumed a lot of energy out of their research processes.
Our world is very different - a theme is hot for various persons in the same moment and in short time we've the material together, which earlier
needed years. And also in short time we've it reachable to everybody, who is interested. And if he/she is really interested, he/she can participate
or listen in REAL TIME.
What do we are? We're the spirit of the web, we do something good about this new medium.
Other do other things with it, not everything, which happens. meets our sympathy. The web is a babe, it has nice charming sides and others,
where it is crying and has to change its pampers. We try to find the nice sides.
We're proud enough to announce, that we found something new by this new ways of exploration and probably reached a concentration on the theme
"History of Tarot", as it was never possible before. It are golden times for researchers.
Pictures, pictures and pictures. And also specific articles, especially to the motifs of Tarot. The Gallery offers picture material from related persons, locations and all, what is interesting in the context. The MUSEUM, thanks to Alexander Sukhorukow with his WWPCM, has a vast collection of playing cards from all centuries, it includes Inana's list, which is a collection to links with Tarot representations in the web. |
A collection of biographical data to persons in Tarot History, not complete of course.
Independent Authors present their own theories at Trionfi.com.
The rules of the game in 15th century are rather unknown, only few hints exists in the documents. However, perhaps one can learn
from the later documents, how the earlier rules might have been.
Occasionally it's of some importance to know the locations, where the development took place. So you find here maps and some other other basic informations to cities and courts. Of special interests are the libraries of related persons.
Trionfi means in our context playing cards with special motifs, which later developed in Tarot cards. However, the word Trionfo (= triumph or trump; Trionfi is plural of Trionfi) had in 15th century many meanings - and one should understand them to ge insight, why just this game was called this way.