Il Castello dei Tarocchi - Anthology of Essays to 6 Centuries of Tarot History IL CASTELLO DEI TAROCCHI "Il Castello dei Tarocchi" appeared in August 2010. It was intended to accompany a Tarot exhibition in Turin in July 2010 in the Borgo e Rocca Medioevale, which once had been constructed 1884 and served in the Exposition Mondiale in Turin 1911 as a Museum. However, some unlucky technical conditions made the exibition impossible. The book was produced in Italian language as an anthology with the participation of leading Tarot history researchers, most from Italy and some of foreign countries, between them a few connected to the intensive research of The essays present topics of six centuries Tarot history and are accompanied by more than 500 pictures. Compare Tarot News Report of August 2010 Edited by Andrea VitaliIL CASTELLO DEI TAROCCHIThe Castle of Tarot Essays by Giordano Berti, Alain Bougearel, Franco Cardini, Ross Sinclair Caldwell, Thierry Depaulis, Gerardo Lonardoni, Alberto Milano, Lothar Teikemeier, Giovanni Tesio, Bepi Vigna, Andr .... read more
Explaining the Tarot - Ross Caldwell, Thierry Depaulis, Marco Ponzi Explaining the Tarot Two Italian Renaissance Essays on the Meaning of the Tarot Pack edited, translated and commented by Ross Sinclair Caldwell, Thierry Depaulis, Marco Ponzi The symbolism of Tarot cards has intrigued people for five centuries. In this volume, two Italian authors of the 16th century, one known, the other anonymous, interpret the meaning of the Tarot trumps and the suit cards from a variety of interesting perspectives. Drawing from philosophy, religion, poetry, contemporary science, and the rules of the game itself, while at the same time offering examples from history and current events, the authors describe a series of images that for them is more than a game. They find that the symbolism of the cards, and their order, offer moral lessons and a wholesome guide to the ultimate purpose of life, which is to seek God. Their two discourses on the symbolism of the Tarot cards, here edited and translated into English for the first time, are the earliest ever written, and of .... read more
Giordano Berti - Storia dei tarocchi: verità e leggende sulle carte più misteriose del mondo Giordano Berti - Storia dei tarocchi: verità e leggende sulle carte più misteriose del mondo," (Milan, Mondadori, 2007) Giordano Berti is an Italian author of considerable productivity in the theme of Tarocchi, compare our biography. In his recent work in Italian language he remarks a few words to the central theme of, the 5x14-theory: pp. 18-20, translation by Ross Caldwell: "There are even those who suggest that the game of Triumphs could have been introduced to Ferrara by Bianca Maria Visconti, on the occasion of her long stay in that city, from September 1440 to April 1441, as guest of the marquis Niccolo III d Este. One indication is furnished by a notice of payment for the 1st of January, 1441, where there is recorded a disbursement in the amount of 2 lire and 5 soldi: "A Magistro Iacopo de Sagramoro depentore per XIIII figure dipinte in carte de bambaxo et mandate a Madama Bianca da Milano per fare festa la scira della Circuncisione de l anno presente." [note refers .... read more
Andrea Vitali / Terry Zanetti - Il Tarocchino di Bologna Il Tarocchino di Bologna - Storia. Iconografia. Divinazione. Dal XV al XX secolo The Tarot Cards of Bologna. History, Iconographs and Prophecy. From the 15th ? 20th century. By Andrea Vitali and Terry Zanetti. Introduction by Franco Cardini. The work entitled "Il Tarocchino di Bologna. Storia. Iconografia. Divinazione. Dal XV al XX secolo"(180 pages with 328 color photos and 19 black and white photos, Editor Martina, Bologna) published under the aegis of the city of Bologna was assembled by Andrea Vitali and the historian Terry Zanetti, expert on popular tradition. It is the result of several years of research that was conducted in the most revered cultural institutions of Bologna such as the Library of Achiginnasio, the State Archive, the University Library and the Medieval Civic Museum. This volume includes a very detailed documentation that sheds new light on the origin of cards that Andrea Vitali believes date back to the first decade of the 15th century and most likely can be att .... read more
Gherardo Ortalli: The Prince and the Playing Cards (1996) Ortalli’s subject is the history of the fascination of the Estense court with playing cards, from records and notices which span the years 1422 to 1516. After briefly surveying the history of playing cards in Europe beginning with their introduction from the Arab world around 1370, Ortalli notes their rapid diffusion and enthusiastic reception on the part of game-players, met equally with regulation and condemnation on the part of city authorities and religious leaders. It is primarily from the second set of circumstances that we know about playing cards in the 14th century, based on city laws that attempted to regulate them, along with other gambling games like dice (175-177).Ortalli writes that “in short, whenever ludus cartarum appeared in European countries, it was attacked, viewed with suspicion and usually prohibited.” Given this tremendous weight of sudden legislation and invective against the new game, he wonders “how it spread on such a vast and lasting scale despite all the .... read more
Alain Bougearel: L'Art du Tarot - by Ross Caldwell CD-ROM: L Art du Tarot composed by Alain Bougearel I know Alain is getting a lot of flak over his promotion of the CD- ROM "L Art du Tarot", but I just got my copy and I must say it is GREAT! I was very pleasantly surprised. A lot of fun, lots I hadn t read before and some I have (since some of TarotL s members are on it). I don t have anything on it so please don t read this as self promoting. It is in French, of course, but if you want to learn French tarot vocabulary, the voice instructions are very helpful. After the historical caveat of the TarotL FAQ, which is what the user first encounters, the CD by and large takes a very speculative slant. This will surprise no one, but I wanted people to know it isn t just history book stuff. Here s a rundown of the contents : The program opens with a face down deck, which if you click it gives you a random Major Arcanum as a general "theme" for your investigation of the program. There are 7 sections. The first contains, .... read more