Rome: Playing Card Notes
- 1475 (speculated by research of only): It seems, that the socalled Mantegna research might have been produced in Rome in the Jubilee year 1475, in a suspected cooperation of Ludovico Lazzarelli and the printer Sweynheim.
- 1475: Platina, papal librarian in the time of Sixtus VI. and leading figure in the Accademia Romana,
in his book "De obsoniis et honesta voluptate" takes the viewing point, that only wrong and
professional gambling should be criticised and forbidden. "Ludos sit talis, tessera, saccho,
carthis variis imaginibus pictis. Absit inter ludendum omnis fraus et avaritia, qua illiberalior
et destestandus fit ludus, nec ullam affert ludenti voluptatem."
- (around 1480) Girolamo Riario, nephew and the "right hand" of Sixtus IV. and, as it is said, the "bad spirit" of the pope,
is well known for his gambling activities, also in churches and other holy places. Girolamo is married to Catherina Sforza,
illegitimate daughter of the former Milanese duke Galeazzo Maria Sforza.
- After 1492: Cardinal Ascanio Sforza and Pope Alexander VI are known to have played with playing cards excessively. Ascanio was already very interested in cards as a child, his elder brother Galeazzo Maria forbade it to him.
Rome - informations