Time Line


Tarot News

Andrea Vitali
Recent works 2010 - 2012

EARLY THEMES (before 15th century)

ITALIAN: La Scala Mistica
ENGLISH: The Mystical Staircase
About: the iconographic development of the Jacob's ladder

ITALIAN: L'origine degli Assi
About: The Origin of the Aces

ITALIAN: Castel del Monte
About: Castel del Monte, a building made for emperor Fredrick II with some focus on the number "8"

ITALIAN: Il Principe
ENGLISH: The Prince
About: Prince Fibbia, who according an inscription at a 17th century picture brought the Tarocchino game to Bologna. Prince Fibbi died 1419.

ITALIAN: Nativitas
About: Christmas


ITALIAN: Bologna e l'invenzione dei Trionfi
ENGLISH: Bologna and the origin of Triumphs
About: a general overview about early Tarot history with some accent on Bologna

ITALIAN: San Bernardino e le Carte da Gioco
ENGLISH: Saint Bernardine and the Cards
About: San Bernardino and his life descriptions.

ITALIAN: Semi Simbolici
ENGLISH: Symbolic Suits
About: The meaning of the suits in Renaissance playing cards; with reference to "Regulae Artificialis Memoriae" by Jacopo Rangone (1434)

ITALIAN: Il Traditore
ENGLISH: The Traitor
About: A 15th century maiolica with Hanging Man representation.

ITALIAN: Laudabiles et Vituperabiles
About: Roberto Caracciolo (frate Roberto da Lecce, c. 1425-1495) and a Trionfi card note in 1455.
Web material: Trionfi card note 1455

ITALIAN: Trionfi permessi, Trionfi proibiti
About: Two new Trionfi documents: a prohibition in Assissi c. 1470 (likely related to the growing inmluence of the Franciscans) and an allowance 1467 in the "Statuti della Curia di Mattarella" in a region at the Northern bordern of Milanese territory.
Web discussion: (prohibition) Collection Franciscans

ITALIAN: Ludere ad Triumphos
About:"Sermones quadragesimales et de sanctis" (published 1497, relating to 1481) by Gabriel Barlette (also Gabriele da Barletta, died after 1481). The text contains a new "Trionfi" note.
Web discussion: News and Updates; 2 Nov 2011. Barletta appears also in Why this number of trumps?

ITALIAN: De Ludo in Statutis
ENGLISH: De Ludo in Statutis
About: The Statutes in Italian cities, mainly of interest is 15th and 16th century.


ITALIAN: Dell'Etimo Tarocco
ENGLISH: About the etymology of Tarot
About: Summary about different early notes of Taroch, Tarocchi etc.

ITALIAN: Taroch - 1494
ENGLISH: Taroch - 1494
About: "Frotula de le dòne" (1494/95 ?) di Giovan Giorgio Alione (1460/70 - 1521/29). One of two early appearances of the word "Taroch" in a context, which is not related to playing cards. Web discussion: 3 New essays by A. VITALI and in Origin of the name Tarot ff. and TdM from an art history perspective

ITALIAN: Tharocus Bacchus est
ENGLISH: Tharocus Bacchus est
About: A possible connection between Bacchus Tharocus and the word "Taroch".
Web discussion: Tharochus Bacchus est

ITALIAN: Rochi e Tarochi
ENGLISH: Rochi and Tarochi
About: A possible connection between Chess terminology and the word "Taroch".

ITALIAN: Trionfi, Trionfini e Trionfetti
ENGLISH: Triumphs, Trionfini and Trionfetti
About: The games Trionfi, Trionfini and Trionfetti. Pietro Aretino - M. A. Buonarroti the Younger - Antonfrancesco Grazzini, called Lasca - Giovan Maria Cecchi - Thomaso Garzoni da Bagnacavallo - Traiano Boccalini - Giovan Battista Lalli - Lorenzo Bellini

ITALIAN: Del Minchione
About: Use of the word "Minchione" in old literature

ITALIAN: L'Ordine dei Trionfi
ENGLISH: The Order of Triumphs
About: Summary to the A-, B- and C-orders of the Tarocchi row.

LITERATURE (Summaries)

ITALIAN: I Tarocchi in Letteratura I
ENGLISH: Tarot in Literature I
About: Domenico di Giovanni (Burchiello) - Matteo Maria Boiardo - Anonymous - Pietro Aretino - Teofilo Folengo (Merlin Cocai) - Paolo Giovio - Ludovico Ariosto - Flavio Alberto Lollio - Vincenzo Imperiali - Giovanni Maria Cecchi - Giovan Battista Marino - Alessandro Tassoni - Torquato Tasso - Vincenzo Belando - Baltasar Gracián y Morales - Emanuele Tesauro - Troilo Pomeran - Girolamo Bargagli

ITALIAN: I Tarocchi in Letteratura II
ENGLISH: Tarot in Literature II
About: Francesco Berni - Serafino Aquilano - Agnolo Allori (Bronzino) - Agnolo Fiorenzuola - Niccolò Martelli - Benedetto Varchi - Michelangelo Buonarroti the Younger - Giambattista Roberti - Niccolò Forteguerri - Giovan Santi Saccenti - Anonymous

ITALIAN: I Tarocchi in Letteratura III
ENGLISH: Tarot in Literature III
About: Minchiate and Germini / Luigi Pulci - Pietro Aretino - Antonfrancesco Grazzini - Gigio Artemio Giancarli - Brunetto Latini / Chiaro Davanzati - Agnolo Firenzuola - Alessandro Allegri - Michelangelo Buonarroti il Giovane - Gio. Battista Fagiuoli - Gregorio Bracceschi - Lorenzo Panciatichi - Carlo Goldoni - Filippo Pananti - Ippolito Neri - Giovanni Maria Lampredi.

ITALIAN: Scrivendo e Taroccando
About: Giulio Cesare Croce - Giuseppe Berneri - Niccolò Forteguerri - Paolo Francesco Carli - Giovanni Santi Saccenti -Domenico Maria Manni - Giovanni Greppi - Giovanni Gherardo De Rossi - Gaetano Rossi - Felice Romani - Tommaso Gargallo - Reto Partenopeo - Ernesto Capocci - Libero pensatore anonimo - Pietro Laviano Tito - Giosuè Carducci.

LITERATURE (single objects since early 16th centuries)

ITALIAN: La Cassaria dell'Ariosto
ENGLISH: La Cassaria by Ariosto
About: "La Cassaria", theater play of Ludovico Ariost (1508 Ferrara)
. It contains an early "Tarocco" note, which was found in versions from 1528-1531. A figure in the text has the name "Trappola", which a short time later is known as a card game and a card deck name.
Web discussion: part of the discussion Tarotica 1584, mainly about "Trappola"

ITALIAN: Farsa Satyra Morale
ENGLISH: Farsa Satyra Morale
About: "Farsa satyra morale" (c. 1510) by Venturino Venturini da Pesaro (?-1530); important early document for the appearance of the gam names "Tarocchi" and "Sminchiate".
Web discussion: Minchiate by Vitali and Old Tarocchi Note: Farsa Satyra Morale / Venturino of Pesaro

ITALIAN: Taroch: nulla latina ratione
ENGLISH: Taroch: nulla latina ratione
About: "Dialogo de Italia" (theater play staged 1512, Mantova) by Francesco Vigilio (1446-1534). The play protests against the new word "Taroch".
Web discussion: Taroch, September 1512 and in TdM from an art history perspective

ITALIAN: Taroch: latino volgarizzato
ENGLISH: Taroch: vulgar Latin
About: "Zanitonella" (1517/1521) by Teofilo Folengo. The passage belongs to the category "early Tarocchi notes".
Web discussion: new early "Tarocco" note

ITALIAN: Il Malcontento
About:"Capriccio in laude del gioco del Malcontento" by Luigi Tansillo (1510-1568). "Malcontento" is an earlier name of the game Cuccu, which is played with special cards, which have a far-distance similarity to Tarocchi cards.
Web discussion: Luigi Tansillo 1547 and in Framed Story: Folengo's Tarocchi sonnets.

ITALIAN: Taroch è diventato lo mio core
ENGLISH: My Heart has become a Taroch
About: Villanelle poetry with game content in 16th century, between them a poem with a Tarocchi row.

ITALIAN: I Sermoni del Giusti
About: "I Sermoni del Giusto" by Gio. Batista Giusti, Tarocchi notes 16th century

ITALIAN: Tarotica - 1584
About: "Numeralium locorum decas" (1584) by Guilielmus Onciacius (Guillaume D'Oncieu, 1560-1630)
Web discussion: Tarotica - 1584

ITALIAN: Il Tasso e i Tarocchi
About: "Il Romeo, o'vero del Giuoco" by Torquato Tasso (1579).

ITALIAN: Giordano Bruno e i Tarocchi
About: "Candeleio" (theater play composed 1582 in Paris) by Giordano Bruno, published with the pseudonym Bruno Nolano.
Webmaterial:Giordano Bruno: I Candelaio (version 1851)

ITALIAN: Il Theatro de' Cervelli
ENGLISH: The Theatre of Brains
About: "Il Teatro de' vari, e diversi cervelli mondani" (1585 - The Theatre of various and different worldly brains) by Tomaso Garzoni / "Sermo perutilis de ldo cim aliis" by anonymous / "Le Carte Parlanti" by Pietro Arentino (1543) / "Canto de Giucatori" by Giovan Batista dell?Ottonajo (lived 1482 - 1527)

ITALIAN: L' Hospidale de' Pazzi Incurabili
ENGLISH: The Hospital of Incurable Madmen
About: "L'hospidale de' Pazzi Incurabili" (The Hospital of the Incurabile Men) by Tomaso Garzoni da Bagnacavallo (1586), which includes some Tarocco notes.
The theme has some relevance for the late 16th century Ferrarese court, Torquato Tasso and Joseph Hall, who made a sort of later reaction text. Also to Garzoni's earlier work "Il Piazza Universale" (1585), which also include passages about the Tarocchi games.
Web discussion: Tomaso Garzoni / Joseph Hall / Tasso Tomaso Garzoni: L' Hospidale de' Pazzi Incurabili (version of 1601)

ITALIAN: Giulio Cesare Croce e i Tarocchi
About: "Lotto festevole fatto in villa, Fra una nobil schiera di Cavalieri & di Dame, / con i Trionfi de? Tarrochi, esplicati in / lode delle dette Dame" (1602) and other works by Giulio Cesare Croce (1550-1609).

ITALIAN: Mundus Alter et Idem
ENGLISH: Mundus Alter et Idem
About: "Mundus Alter et Idem" (1605) by Mercurius Britannicus alias the later Bishop Joseph Hall. It's a sort of Utopia with satiric tendencies, in which the ducal centre of the the fictive region Orgilia is called "Tarochium".
Web discussion: Tomaso Garzoni / Joseph Hall / Tasso
Web material: Joseph Hall: Mundus Alter et Idem, 1605

ITALIAN: Saggia Pazzia, Piacevole Pazzia
ENGLISH: Wise Madness, Pleasant Madness
About: "Saggia Pazzia, Piacevole Pazzia", Pavia 1607 (Wise Madness, Pleasant Madness) by Antonio Maria Spelta (1559-1632),

ITALIAN: Il Cannocchiale Aristotelico
About: "Cannocchiale Aristotelico, o sia Idea dell'Arguta et Ingeniosa Elocutione che serve à tutta l'Arte Oratoria, Lapidaria, et Simbolica esaminata co' Principij del divino Aristotile" by Emanuele Tesauro (1592?1675)

ITALIAN: Il Malmantile Racquistato
ENGLISH: Il Malmantile Racquistato
About: "Il Malmantile Racquistato" (published posthumous 1676) by Lorenzo Lippi fiorentino (1606-1665), poet and painter. Comical poem with Minchiate content.
Webmaterial: Lorenzo Lippi (alias Perlone Zipoli): Il Malmantile Racquistato (version 1807) ITALIAN: Cristo, il grande giocatore
About: La Veglia (Cantata a 6 voci con violini ?Per la nascita di Nostro Signore?, 1674) by Cristofaro Caresana.

ITALIAN: Trattato del gioco delle Minchiate
ENGLISH: Treatise on the Game of Minchiate
About: "Regole del nobile e dilettevole gioco delle Minchiate" (Rules of the noble and pleasant game of Minchiate) by the lawyer Niccolò Onesti (Rome, 1716).
Web material: PDF-file with transcription

ITALIAN: Le Dodici Parole della Verità
About: The "Soldier's Tale" (possibly c. 1750).

ITALIAN: Il Giuoco del Bagattultimo
About: "Rime del Signor Cavaliere D. Alessandro Sappa, Patrizio Alessandrino ed Accademico Immobile." Tomo Secondo, chapter "Il Giuoco del Bagattultimo", Alessandria 1772, by Alessandro Sappa (1717-1783)


ITALIAN: Il Gioco delle Carte e l'Azzardo
ENGLISH: Playing Cards and Gambling
About: The game of Hazard and general gambling and its documents


ITALIAN: Lo scongiuro del Tarrocco
About: Connection between Magic and Tarrocco in 16th century.

ITALIAN: Gioco e Magia a Ferrara
About: "Notizie amministrative, storiche, artistiche relative a Ferrara ..." (1868), p. 246 ff., by Luigi Napoleone Cittadella
Web material: Notizie amministrative, storiche, artistiche relative a Ferrara ... p. 246 ff.


ITALIAN: Taroch a Milano nel sec. XVI
About: Tarocchi card production in Milan late 16th, early 17th century.

ITALIAN: Un Artista povero del Cinquecento
About: Aurelio Busso (? - 1620), Tarocchi painter

ITALIAN: Far Carte nel Settecento
About: Technical productions of playing cards in 18th century.


ITALIAN: L'origine astrale dell'Anima
About: Cards Star, Moon,Sun and World

ITALIAN: Imperatore Luna e Papa Sole
About: The Thesis of the church about the superiority of the Pope by Francesco Bordoni in "R. P. M. Francisci Bordoni Parmensis, Religionis Tertiis Ordinis, Sancti Francisci, in Provincia Bononiensi Provincialis, & S. Officij Consultoris 'Operum Tomus Quartus'"



ITALIAN: La Storia dei Tarocchi
ENGLISH: The History of the Tarot
About: Six historical sections in the exhibition "Tarot: History, Art, Magic" prepared by the Association ?Le Tarot?

ITALIAN: I Tarocchi: Storia, Arte, Magia
ENGLISH: Tarots: History, Art, Magic
About: Tarot Exhibition objects

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