Recanati ca. 1480
For the moment we've only the information from Thierry Depaulis, that there is a Trionfi note in the following source
Source: "Leopardi, Monaldo e Vuoli, Romeo, Annali di Recanati con le leggi e i costumi degli antichi recanatesi, inoltre Memorie di Loreto, opera del conte Monaldo Leopardi". 1945, Varese: Tip. Varesi. 2 v. in 1. [A cura di Romeo Vuoli. port.]
The author Monaldo Leopardi was born Recanati, 16 agosto 1776 – Recanati, 30 aprile 1847 and belongs to the prominent Leopardi family: Wikipedia-article
The most important thing about Recanati seems to be, that it had a large community of Jews. It had an own harbour called Porto Recanati, although the city Loreto is nearer to this harbour than Recanati. It might have been a place important for the trade with Rome, although it's said, that the harbour didn't develop.
The note of Recanati is the 3rd note of a rather isolated region at the Eastern coast of Italy (near to Fabriana and Ancona). These, together with the note in Rome and Naples, which more or less all appear in the 70's of 15th cebtury, show, that the Trionfi evolution in Southern Italy took place 20-30 years after the first developments in Northern parts of Italy.
(autorbis / Ross Caldwell)

Southern development (first notes)
- 1450 Florence
- 1452 Siena
- 1452 Rimini
- 1460 ? Arcona
- 1473 Naples
- 1474 ? Rome
- 1476 Fabriano
- 1480 ? Recanati