Boiardo Tarocchi Poem

Analyzes of Group - (3/4) Actaeon - Laura (Desire - Reason)

Trump Pair 02
male / negative

Actheon was inflamed of love for an heavenly
Person, so much that he was transformed in deer:
So a man should not put his desire too high.

Actheon was inflamed of love for an heavenly
Person, so much that he was transformed in deer:
So a man should not put his desire too high.
female / positive

Ragion fe’ Laura del fanciul perverso
Cupìdo trionfar, ché mai non torse
Occhio da la virtù né il piè in traverso.

Reason made Laura triumph over the perverted
Child Cupidus, because she never moved
Her eye from virtue nor misplaced her foot.
4 Suits 02
Timore 02

TIMOR, dov'è qualche pericol, vieta
Pigliar piacere, e tanto un om fa vile,
Che l'animo ragion mai non acquieta.

FEAR, where there is some danger, forbids
All pleasure, and makes a man so faint-hearted,
That reason can never appease the soul.
Gelosia 02

GELOSIA è dura cosa, ove esser vede
Commodo al concorrente nel amore:
Chè al spesso supplicar segue merzede.

JEALOUSY is a hard thing, when it seeks
to be useful to the rival in love:
Because often imploring grants mercy.
Speranza 02

SPERANZA dubio alcun non ha smarrita,
Ma sta ferma e constante in fino al fine,
Quando Ragione il suo sperare aita.

HOPE has never been defeated by any doubt,
But it is solid and constant to the end,
When Reason arrives to help hope.
Amore 02

AMOR, dubio non è che gelosia
In qualche parte ognor non te acompagni:
Ma poca è bona, e troppa è cosa ria.

LOVE, there is no doubt that jealousy
Is always with you many places:
But if it is little, it's good, too much is bad.