Boiardo Tarocchi Poem

Analyzes of Group - (15/16) Pompeyus - Emilia (Chance - Modesty)

Trump Pair 08
male / negative

Caso cadde in Pompeo, che per tanti anni
Era reducto al summo da la rota,
E al fin fortuna il sommerse in affanni.

Chance fell on Pompeyus, that for many years
Had seated at the top of the wheel,
But in the end fortune submerged him with troubles.
female / positive

Modestia Aemilia, de Scipion devota
Moglie, hebbe; ché, trovato con l'ancilla,
Tacque el peccato per non dargli nota.

Emilia, the faithful wife of Scipio, showed
Modesty; because when she found him with a maid,
He did not talk of his sin not to make it public.
4 Suits 08
Timore 08

8) TIMOR obturba(4) i sensi, e faccia smorta
Rende, e tremito il cor per lui si sente,
E l'occhio il mostra con sua vista torta.

FEAR troubles the senses, and makes pale
the face; one feels his heart tremble because of it,
And the eye shows it with an oblique glance.
Gelosia 08

GELOSIA ove si pone è si gran male,
Che medicina non se trova a lei;
E se troppo oltra va, cosa è mortale.

JEALOUSY is so bad where it strikes,
That there is no cure for it;
If it grows too much, it is lethal.
Speranza 08

SPERANZA obtener fa senz'altri doni
Quel che a l'animo aggrada, e par che l'abbia
Quel che vôl già, né alcun piu se gli opponi.

HOPE gives by itself to the soul
That which the soul desires, and it seems
It already has it, and it finds no resitance.
Amore 08

AMORE obtenne, che a guardar la grege
D'Ameto Apollo stesse, e a lui crudele
Non fu al fin poi; ma cusi i suoi correge.

LOVE made so that Apollon looked after
The herd of Admetus, and in the end it was not
Cruel to him; it corrects its people in such ways.