Boiardo Tarocchi Poem

Analyzes of Group - (5/6) Antiochos - "unknown" (Secrecy - Grace)

Trump Pair 03
male / negative

Antiochus was so secret, that he almost
Died for his love for Stratonica;
But the kind physician helped him effectively.

Antiochus was so secret, that he almost
Died for his love for Stratonica;
But the kind physician helped him effectively.
female / positive

Gratia a secreti e savii non va a sorte,
Ma con ragion, ché con amore ha il vanto
Colui che asconde le passion piu forte.

Grace does not go by chance, but with reason,
To the discreet and wise, for in love can be proud
He that hides his strongest passion.
4 Suits 03
Timore 03

TIMOR tremar fa l'agnel ne l'ovile
Se di fuor sente il lupo, e si sta chiuso,
Che appena intrar gli puo il vento sottile.

FEAR makes the lamb tremble in the fold
If it hears the wolf outside; and it stays so enclosed,
That the subtlest breeze can hardly reach it.
Gelosia 03

GELOSIA tristo rende un lieto core,
Ma spesso è causa ancor, dove ella sprona,
Condurre un che ami a virtuoso onore.

JEALOUSY makes sad a merry heart,
But often its spurs are the reason
That brings a lover to virtuous honour.
Speranza 03

SPERANZA terminata in un confine,
Se vol passar piu in là che non convene,
Prima che coglia el fior, trova le spine.

HOPE when is limited to a boundary,
If it wants to move further than should be done,
Founds thorns before it reaches the flower.
Amore 03

AMOR, termine e fin de toi guadagni
E un sempre sospirar infin a morte;
E chi un di ride, un'anno advien se lagni.

LOVE, the end and final goal of your earnings
Is a continuous sighing until you die;
And he who laughs one day, cries thereafter for an year.