Boiardo Tarocchi Poem

Analyzes of Group - (19/20) Nestor - Dido/Elissa (Time - Oblivion)

Trump Pair 10
male / negative

Tempo, che gli homini a la morte sproni,
Nestor servasti, e si pur vinne al fine,
De un viver tal non par che se ragioni.

Time, you that hurry men to death,
You saved Nestor, and if in the end he came to an end,
It seems impossible to think of such a life.
female / positive

Oblivion di termine e confine
Del tutto sei, Elice e Dido a Lethe
Menasti, e famma e tempo hai in toe ruine.

Oblivion, you are the end and boundary
Of all, you took to Lethe Elice and Dido,
And among your ruins you have fame and time.
4 Suits 10
Timore 10

TIMOR de certo è a imaginarlo vano,
E dove timor regna, ognun concorre
Che invalido quel corpo sia e mal sano.

FEAR is certainly vain when you imagine it,
And where fear reigns, everyone agrees
That that body is ill and not healthy.
Gelosia 10

GELOSIA di certezza mai non pone
Alcun in strada, e al ver non apre porte,
E tien fra speme e dubio le persone.

JEALOUSY never puts anyone on the road
to certainty, it does not open the doors of truth,
It keeps people between hope and doubt.
Speranza 10

SPERANZA desta il pover che lavora,
A zappar, a spianar un monte, un lago,
Che fructo spera a le fatighe ancora.

HOPE wakes up the poor man who works
Digging, making a mountain, or a lake, flat,
Because he hopes to receive a prize for his efforts.
Amore 10

AMOR de ciascun servo il disio tenta;
E se `l ritrova vano, in forme tante
Il volgie, che ogni di piu se lamenta.

LOVE puts to trial the desire of all its servants;
And if it finds it vain, it turns it
in so many shapes, that he complaints more every day.