Boiardo Tarocchi Poem

Analyzes of Group - (7/8) Herodes - Psyche (Anger - Patience)

Trump Pair 04
male / negative

Sdegno Herode Re occupo tanto
Che fatta occider Marianna, poi
La chiama, e con amor si duol col pianto.

Anger filled king Herod so much
That he ordered to kill Mariamne than
He calls her, and crying suffers with love.
female / positive

Patientia hebbe Psiche ai casi soi,
E perho fu soccorsa nelli affanni,
E fatta Dea nel fin, che è exemplo a noi.

Psyche was patient in what happened to her,
And because of that she found help in her troubles,
And in the end she was made a Goddess, so that she can be an example for us.
4 Suits 04
Timore 04

TIMOR quattro destrier d'un carro a l'uso
Sotto una virga tiene a un giogo stretti;
E molti in servitu, che non gli excuso.

FEAR keeps four horses at the service of a chariot
Under a cane, tied to a yoke;
It also keeps many in servitude, whom I do not excuse.
Gelosia 04

GELOSIA quando vien, non si propona
Contrastarli alcun mai, chè sforza ognuno:
Ma el saper tollerarla è cosa bona.

JEALOUSY, when it comes, it is better not to think
That you can fight it, because it wins everyone:
But it is good to be able to tolerate it.
Speranza 04

SPERANZA quanto piu con rason vene,
Piu dolce cibo è al cor che se ne veste;
E se al contrario vien, porta piu pene.

HOPE when it comes together with reason
Is the sweetest food for the heart that wears it;
If it comes in another way, it brings more suffering.
Amore 04

AMOR, questo disio stringe si forte
Di consequir quel che gl'imprime al core,
Che al effecto non par che se aprin porte.

LOVE, this desire holds so strong
Of aquiring what you impress in one's heart,
That it seems that doors do not open for your aim.