Boiardo Tarocchi Poem | /// |
Trump Pair 05 | |||
Error Iacob fe' sette e sette anni Servir, ché di Rachel Laban non disse; Ma il tempo restauro tutti i soi danni. An error make Jabob a slave for seven years, Because he did not speak of Rachel to Laban; But time repaired all his damage. |
Perseveranza in Penelope visse Tanta, che al tessere e disfar le tele Merito rihaver lo amato Ulisse. In Penelopes there was such perseverance, That, by weaving and undoing her web, She deserved to rejoin her beloved Ulysses. |
4 Suits 05 | |||
TIMOR ci tien talor, che i nostri Non possiam dimostrar, ché assai ne offende, Che compagni al timor sono i rispetti. FEAR so grips us sometimes, that we cannot Express our feelings, which is a great damage, Because respect is a fellow of fear. |
GELOSIA ciascun cerca, e poi ciascuno La fuge; e prima ognun voria sapere, Poi di saper vorebbe esser digiuno. JEALOUSY is searched by everyone, then everyone Wants to avoid it; before, everyone wants to know; Then everyone wants to lack knowledge. |
SPERANZA, ce mantiene in giochi e in feste Quando il poter col voler si misura; Ma senza ordine, ha in sé cose moleste. HOPE keeps us in games and festivity When power is fighting against will; But, without order, it contains bad things. |
AMOR ce insegna non aver timore In qual se voglia impresa: ché un ardito Sempre ne la sua corte è vincitore. LOVE teaches to us not to be afraid In every deed: because a courageous Is always a winner in courtship. |