Boiardo Tarocchi Poem

Analyzes of Group - (17/18) Caesar - Rhea (Peril - Experience)

Trump Pair 09
male / negative

Pericul de gran focho una favilla
Porta: ecco Cesar morto nel senato
Da doi; e fuggi già il furor de Scilla.

A spark brings danger of a big fire:
See how Cesar was killed in the senate
By only two people; after he survived the anger of Silla.
female / positive

Experientia in Rhea fu, che occultato
Giove nel monte de Ida, ordino i suoni
Che al pianger suo non fusse ritrovato.

Experience was in Rhea, who after hiding
Jove in mount Ida, ordered to make noise
So that he could not be found because of his crying.
4 Suits 09
Timore 09

TIMOR non ha sol, di quel ch'è presente,
Dubbio: ma teme, ben che sia lontano,
Il periculo, e a sé pargli imminente.

FEAR has no doubts, about what is
present: but even though it be far away, it fears
Danger, and to fear danger seems near.
Gelosia 09

GELOSIA non vien manco fra li Dei,
Che fra gli omini faccia; ecco Junone
Del suo Jove gelosa a' casi rei!

JEALOUSY is no less frequent among the Gods,
Then among people; look at Juno,
Jealous of her Jove in some guilty situations!
Speranza 09

SPERANZA non consente un, preso in gabbia,
Dolente star, quando seco dimora,
Né un ropto in mar, si ben è in seca sabbia.

HOPE does not allow to be sad
to someone who is caught in a cage, when it is whit him,
Nor to a shipwrecked, even if he is on dry sand.
Amore 09

AMOR nov'arte trova; e sotto el mele
L'esca tien sempre; e i soi servi contenta,
Quando se ne ritrova alcun fidele.

LOVE finds new arts; and under its honey
It always keeps a bait; and it makes its servants happy,
Whenever it finds one that is loyal.