Giusto Giusti, notary and chronicler (1406 - c. 1484)
composed by Lothar Teikemeier, last update 06.12.2012

Since February 2012 this is now the oldest known note about "Trionfi cards", after the now second oldest note, published by Campori in 1874, had had this title since 136 years.

I Giornali di Ser Giusto Giusti D'Anghiari (1437-148) - 1440 (Newbegin, p. 66)(4)

Date of Trionfi card activity

  • 1440-09-16 Florence/Forli - Giusto Giusti has a present of a Trionfi deck for Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta (4 ducats)



Persons in Trionfi Card Documents 1440-1462
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Trionfi Card Persons 1440-1462

Commissioners (Trionfi cards)
Ferrara: Artists and Card Producers (Trionfi cards)

Ferrara: Traders

Florence: Artists and Card Producers (Trionfi cards and mostly also playing cards)

Florence: Artists and Card Producers (normal Playing Cards)

Florence: Trade with Trionfi and Playing Cards

Users of Playing Cards

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