Gherardo da Vicenza, follower of Sagramoro as Trionfi card painter in Ferrara
composed by Lothar Teikemeier, last updated 06.12.2012
Before 1457 already active as artist at the court in Ferrara
First recorded Trionfi production in Ferrara: 1457-07-21
Last recorded Trionfi production in Ferrara: 1463-12-31
Date of Trionfi card activities
- 1457-07-21 Ferrara - two 70 cards Trionfi decks (each deck 22 Lira Marchesana 8 soldi [= 28 Lira without reductions])
- 1457-08-02 Ferrara - Gherardo delivers colors for Trionfi deck of Petrecino
- 1458 Ferrara - Gherardo delivers again colors for Trionfi deck of Petrecino
- 1458-08-25 Ferrara - 4 Trionfi decks (14 Lira Marchesana 8 Soldi [= 16])
- 1460-01-25 Ferrara - 2 Trionfi decks (totally 7 Lira Marchesana 4 Soldi [= 8])
- 1460-04-19 Ferrara - 1 Trionfi deck (10 Lira Marchesana 10 Soldi)
- 1460-07-14 Ferrara - summary of bills ?
- 1460-07-28 Ferrara - 1 Trionfi deck (3 Lira Marchesana 12 Soldi [= 4])
- 1460-11-08 Ferrara - 2 Trionfi decks (totally 7 Lira Marchesana 4 Soldi [= 8])
- 1460-12-24 Ferrara - summary of older bills about Trionfi decks, which possibly weren't paid till then (1460-07-28 and 1460-11-08)
- 1461-01-28 Ferrara - 2 Trionfi decks (totally 7 Lira Marchesana 4 Soldi
After 1462 follows ...
- 1463-12-31 Ferrara - 4 Trionfi decks (totally 14 Lira Marchesana 8 Soldi [=16])
... and this is the last Trionfi card commission for Gherardo da Vicenza and also the last Trionfi card commission of duke Borso we know of
Sources for Trionfi cards in Ferrara are mainly taken from our
earlier collection at based mainly on the work of Gherardo Ortalli and Adriano Franceschini, expressed in the article of Ortalli
"The Prince and the Playing Cards" (1996).
SOURCE 1: Gherardo da Vicenza - 70 cards document of 1457
Document 16 [old counting]
This entry is of great importance for the 5x14-theory cause of the mentioned "70-cards". When we detected the existence of this document, final doubts about the theory vanished.
I've had heard from "70 cards in Ferrara" before, but had imagined, that the entry was from around 1445. When it turned out, that the note was as late as 1457 all my imaginations about the state
of the early Trionfi decks turned out to be true.
Also of importance is the declaration of the worth of "one ducato", which is according to the note equal to 56 soldi or 2 4/5 lira (1 lira = 20 soldi).
The most worthful playing card deck in Ferrara was produced in 1423 for 40 ducatos (which should be according to the above note 112 lira). This is a horrible price in relation to that what Sagramoro got for his decks, but looks small in relation to the unbelievable high price for the Michelino deck (1500 ducatos).
This is the first (and best paid) production done by Gherardo di Andrea da Vizenza, who dominates the card production scene in Ferrara from 1457 - 1463.
Gherardo is already a relatively old man in 1457, when he replaced Sagramoro, the major card producer in the Ferrarese account books from 1422 - 1456,
being recorded as active as artist together with his father already in 1424. Two old men, Sagramoro and Gherardo, as the leading Trionfi card painters - this might indicate, that Trionfi cards were prefered to be painted in an oldfashioned style.
In July 1457 Galeazzo Maria Sforza (13 years old) visited Ferrara. From here he wrote a letter to his father,
that they played cards and visited the tennis court (the weather was bad). The document is of some importance to the history of tennis, Galeazzo became
a sponsor of the sport later. Probably the card production noted above relates to the preparations for this visit.
Ross Gregory Caldwell researched the Galeazzo visits: Pizzagalli says, that Galeazzo Maria left Milan on the 19th of July.
The next day (20th of July) he wrote to his father from Pavia, asking if he could
take two French books with him. Then followed a two-day journey to Ferrara. He
must have arrived the 22nd or 23rd of July. He stayed until September
8, so nearly seven weeks [Tra due dinastie 164-168].
The Guardaroba entries (Franceschini I,823m-s) mention a good deal of
artistic preparation for Galeazzo's visit, mostly by Gerardo di
Andrea da Vicenza. Two documents possibly
related to his visit:
21 July, the 70 big trionfi cards (this document 16) (823m)
2 August, Petrecino's pack of trionfi cards (document 17) (823s)
The Diario Ferrarese doesn't mention this visit.
His second visit was in 1459, when Ferrara was one of the stops
along the way to the congress of Mantova. Pizzagalli describes it on
pp. 180-185. Accompanied by 350 horses (the Diario Ferrarese has
310), the first stop was Parma, April 9.
April 11, Modena.
April 17, Florence [Pope and cardinals are there].
May 4, leaves Florence.
May 9, Bologna.
May 17, Ferrara (Diario).
May 25, leave Ferrara.
May 27, Mantua.
A third visit is recorded in the Diario Ferrarese, on August 16,
1461. Galeazzo dines in the home of Ludovico Casella,
Borso's "referendario," in the company of Ludovico Gonzaga, his son,
and Duke Borso.
1457 [21 July – payment to Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza]
Maestro Girardo de Andrea da Vizenza dipintore de avere adi 21 de luglio per sua fatura et spesa d'oro fino, coluri, de avere depinto para due de carte grande da trionfi, che sono carte 70 per zogo, le quale sono mese d'oro fitamente, et fate tute de coluri fini et brunide, et depinte de roverso uno paro rosa, uno paro verde. Le
quale ebe Piedro de Schiveto per uxo de lo Signore ; de quale dito dimanda ducati 8 del paro, a soldi 56 per ducato, fano lire 22, soldi 8 ; et Galioto li tasa lire 28. Se n'abate soldi 2 per lira, sono 2, soldi 16; resta suo credito…L.25.4.
[Franceschini 1993 n. 823m (p. 485) ; cf. Campori 1874:10 (otherwise 127-128), and Ortalli 1996b:186] |
Preliminary translation (by Ross Gregory Caldwell)
Maestro Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza, painter, having the 21st day of July, for his making and expense in fine gold, coloured, for having painted two packs of big triumph cards, which are 70 cards per deck, covered thickly with gold, and made entirely of colours fine and rich, and painted on the reverse one pack red, one pack green. The which had Piedro de Schiveto for the use of the Lord; the which said [Gerardo] asked 8 ducats per pack, at 56 soldi per ducat, totalling 22 lire, 8 soldi; and Galeotto the tax 28 lire. Subracting 2 soldi per lira, which is 2, 16 soldi; remains to his credit … L. 25. 4.
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SOURCE 2: Petrecino - document of 1457
Quote from the earlier Trionfi notes collection of (2003-07): Document 16 [old counting] / Petrecino 1457. Naturally these older texts present not in all points my opinion of nowadays.
The new text here might contain some corrections against the earlier versions.
Document 17 [old counting]
In this entry Gerardo de Andrea da Vicenza is paid for colors, which were used by Petrecino, page of the Lord, to produce small Trionfi cards. Likely the entry is related to the visit of the 13-years-old Galeazzo Maria Sforza, who just in the current moment is as a honoured guest in Ferrara (compare document 16).
The activity reminds that, what happened at the 1.1.1441, 16 years before. Then Bianca Maria, Galeazzo Maria's mother, was the honoured guest in Ferrara and pictures of 14 figure were produced for a party at night (likely experimental playing cards; (compare document 16)). For this entry it seems, that now in August 1457 young Galeazzo Maria and the painting page Petrecino had some creative hous, which were filled with the production of a very personal playing card deck.
Petrecino, so it is known, later entered a cloister.
1457 [2 August – payment to Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza for the costs of colours for Petrecino]
Maestro Girardo de Andrea da Vizenza dipinturo per los costo de tanti coluri li quali hano adoperato Petrecino pagio de lo Signore in avere dipinto uno paio de cartexele da trionfi per lo Signore ; domanda lire 3, et Galioto li tasa lire 1, soldi 10 ; se ne abate soldi 3, resta…………………………………L. 1. 7.
[Franceschini 1993 n. 823s (p. 486) ; cf. Ortalli 1996b:189 and note
70] |
Preliminary translation (by Ross Gregory Caldwell)
Maestro Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza, painter, for the costs of such colours which Petrecino, page of the Lord, had used in having painted one pack of small triumph cards for the Lord; asking 3 lire, and Galeotto the tax 1 lire, 10 soldi; subtracting 3 soldi, leaving …….. L. 1. 7.
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SOURCE 3: Petrecino - document of 1458 ( New Research)
Oktober 2012
During this updating process of our collection it occurred, that an information, earlier overlooked, appeared to the surface. Gherardo
Ortalli had written in 1996 about documents with Petrecino in 1457 and 1458 in Ferrara, but we had only collected the one of 1457. Ortalli had pointed to Adolfo Venturi in 1885 in "L'arte a Ferrara nel periodo di Borso d'Este", "Rivista storica italiana" II, pp. 689-749 at page 731. Franco Pratesi was so friendly to look it up.
"Un altro pittore da aggiungere al novero de’ pittori di carte da gioco era un dilettante Petrecino da Firenze, paggio di Borso, che dopo il 1460 abbandonò la Corte per ritirarsi in un chiostro." (1)
(1) Nel 1457 e nel 1458 Gherardo da Vicenza gli vendette colori per dipinger carte da trionfi (V. Memoriale, T., 1457, a c. 67 e il libro d’Intrata et Spexa, E.E., 1458, a c. 97) |
Franco Pratesi commented the situation: "Thus, we obtain from here only INDIRECT information on unknown numbers of trionfi packs. It is however mentioned that Petrecino acquired colours for painting triumphs BOTH in 1457 and 1458."
SOURCE 4: Gherardo da Vicenza - document of 1458
Quote from the earlier Trionfi notes collection of (2003-07): Document 16 [old counting] / Gherardo da Vicenza 1458. Naturally these older texts present not in all points my opinion of nowadays.
The new text here might contain some corrections against the earlier versions.
Document 18 [old counting]
This document, which refers a last time to Sagramoro as an earlier producer of Trionfi cards, indicates, that Gherardo da Vicenza took Sagramoros position.
1458 [25 August – payment to Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza]
Maestro Girardo de Andrea da Vizenza dipintore de avere per fatura et spexa de colori posto in avere dipinto da drito ed da roverso para 4 de carte da trionfi, le quale ebe Piedro de Schiveto per uxo de la guardaroba ; le quale ave fato tuti li canpi de azuro et colorido figure e tuto da dricto, et da roverso fatoge scachiti; tasade lire 4 lo paro, como per altre simele già de l'ano___ s'è pagà a Maestro
Iacomo Sagramoro, como apare a libro autentico___ 145. etc ; abatudo soldi 2 per lira resta ……………….…L. 14.8.
[Franceschini 1993 n. 861r. (p. 515) ; cf. Ortalli 1996b:186 and note 56 |
Preliminary translation (by Ross Gregory Caldwell)
Maestro Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza, painter, having for making and expense for colours "posto", in having painted the front and the back of 4 packs of triumph cards, the which had Piedro de Schiveto for the use of guardaroba; the which had made all the surfaces
of azure and coloured figures and all fronts, and the backs a checkered pattern; charging
4 lire per pack, as for another similar formerly paid to Maestro Jacomo Sagramoro in the year ____, as appears in the authentication book ___ 145. etc; deducted 2 soldi per lira, leaving …L. 14. 8.
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SOURCE 5: Gherardo da Vicenza - document of 1460/1
Quote from the earlier Trionfi notes collection of (2003-07): Document 21 [old counting] / Gherardo da Vicenza 1460/1. Naturally these older texts present not in all points my opinion of nowadays.
The new text here might contain some corrections against the earlier versions.
Document 21 [old counting]
This document consists of two parts, which apparently refer to the same object.
(A). 1460 [note of 25 January – payment to Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza]
Maistro Girardo de Andrea da Vizenza dipintore de avere adi XXV de ginaro lire otto di marchesani,; abadissine soldi II di marchesani per lira, chome a chonventione, resta lire sette, soldi quarto di marchesani, che sono per sua manifatura et spexa di chuluri di avere dinpinto para doa di charte da triunphi, zoè per averale dipinte et choliride da lado roversso. Ebe Piedro di Schivetto per lo prefatto Ducha Signore nostro per uuxo di la guardaroba; come apare in
Memoriale .Y., a c. 129; posto al suo chapitulo a Spexa, a c. 3. Para II de charte ………….L. VII. IIII.
[Franceschini 1993 n. 920a (p. 560)]
(B). 1460 [note of 25 January – payment to Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza]
Maestro Girardo di Andrea da Vicenza dipintore de avere adi XXV de genaro lire VIII de marchesani; abatessene soldi 2 per lira come de chonventione, resta lire sette, soldi quarto de marchesani, che sono per sua manifatura et spexa de chuluri de avere dipinto para doe de charte da triunphi, zoè per averle cholorade, dipinte da lado roverso, ebe Piedro de Schiveto per lo nostro Signore, et per uxo de la guardaroba; chome apare al Memoriale .Y., a c. 5, di mano de Zohane Antonio di Dischalzi, posto a Spexa, a c.___ …….. L. VII. IIII.
[Franceschini 1993 n. 923a (p. 561); the entry of (A.) seem to refer to the same packs as (B.) |
Preliminary translation (by Ross Gregory Caldwell)
(A). Maestro Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza, painter, for having the 25th day of January eight lire marchesane; deducting 2 soldi marchesane per lira, according to convention, leaving seven lire, four soldi marchesane, which are for his manufacture and expenses of colours in having painted two packs of triumph cards, …. painted and coloured on the reverse side. Had Pietro di Schiveto for the foresaid our Lord Duke for the use of storeroom; as appears in Memoriale .Y., at c. 129; posted to his chapter of Expense, at c. 3. 2 Packs of cards …….. L. VII. IIII.
(B). Maestro Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza, painter, having 25th day of January 8 lire marchesane; deducted 2 soldi per lira according to convention, leaving seven lire, 4 soldi marchesane, which are for his manufacture and expense of colours in having painted two packs of triumph cards, … coloured, painted on the backs, which Piedro de Schiveto had for our Lord, and for the use of his storeroom; as appears in the Memoriale .Y., at c. 5, in the hand of Giovanni Antonio di Dischalzi, posted to Expense, at c. ___ ……L. VII. IIII.
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SOURCE 6: Gherardo da Vicenza - document of 1460/4
Quote from the earlier Trionfi notes collection of (2003-07): Document 22 [old counting] / Gherardo da Vicenza 1460/4. Naturally these older texts present not in all points my opinion of nowadays.
The new text here might contain some corrections against the earlier versions.
Document 22 [old counting]
1460 [record of 19 April – payment to Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza]
(Franceschini includes a brief notice of a payment of 10 Lire 10 Soldi for a pack of carte da trionfi, perhaps scribbled near the first notice on the page – "- Altro pagamento a c. 100 (L. 10.10 per carte da trionfi)."
[Franceschini 1993 n. 918a (p. 557)]
SOURCE 7: Gherardo da Vicenza - document of 1460/7 (New Research)
October 2012
A new Trionfi entry in the Ferrarese account books was found, which were overlooked in the earlier work of Francesschini by Veber Gulinelli: Delle carte da gioco Italiano. Storia e diletto. (2011).
The context is not clear. It might be a similar summary as in ...
SOURCE 10: Gherardo da Vicenza - document of 1460/12
...., which speaks of earlier productions in July and November 1460 (which are existent as documents; sources 8 + 9 ). This document might speak of the production in January 1460 (source 5) and an unknown production. Perhaps the documents express a situation, in which Borso paid only once in a half year, so that the summary was used for the two pay days in a ye i July and December.
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SOURCE 8: Gherardo da Vicenza - document of 1460/7
Quote from the earlier Trionfi notes collection of (2003-07): Document 23 [old counting] / Gherardo da Vicenza 1460/7. Naturally these older texts present not in all points my opinion of nowadays.
The new text here might contain some corrections against the earlier versions.
Document 23 [old counting]
This document consists of 3 documents at the same date, relating probably to the same object.
(A).1460 [28 July – payment to Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza]
Maistro Girardo de Maistro Andrea da Vicenza depintore in Ferrara de havere adi XXVIII de luglio lire tre, soldi dodese marchesani per sua fatura et spexe de havere depinto para uno de charte da triumphi de coluri tanto, et consignate a Piedro de Schivetto per uxo dela guardaroba dello Illustro Duca nostro….. L. III. XII.
[Franceschini 1993 n. 921 (p. 561)]
(B).1460 [28 July – payment to Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza]
E adi XXVIII dicto [July] lire Quattro marchesane, che sono per sua factura et spexa de havere depinto para uno de charte da triumphi secondo usanza de colori tanto; hebe Piedro de Schiveto per lo Illustrissimo Duca Signore nostro et uxo dela guardaroba, de la quale lire 4 se ne abate soldi 2 per lira secondo la conventione sua, unde resta lire tre, soldi dodese marchesane, e posto a Spexa, a c. 3 ……..
[Franceschini 1993 n. 924 (p. 562)]
(C). 1460 [28 July – payment to Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza]
Illustrissimo Duca Signore nostro per la spexa de robe et cosse che torà, o se darà, o farà dare a Piedro de Schiveto et ad alter persone per uxo de la persona de la prefata ducale Signoria Sua…De Maistro Girardo da Vicenza depintore insino adi XXVIII de luglio, depintura de para uno de charte da triumphi; hebe Piedro de Schiveto per uxo de lo Illustrissimo signore nostro…….. L. III. XII.
[Franceschini 1993 n. 925 (p. 562)]. |
Preliminary translation (by Ross Gregory Caldwell)
(A). Maestro Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza, painter in Ferrara, having the 28th of July 3 lire, 12 soldi marchesane for his making and expenses in having painted one pack of triumph cards of such colours, and given to Piedro de Schiveto for the use of the storeroom of our Most Illustrious Lord Duke ……..L. III. XII.
(B). And 28th day of July Four lire marchesane, which are for his making and expenses in having painted one pack of triumph cards according to the style of such colours; having Piedro de Schiveto for the use of our Most Illustrious Lord Duke and the use of the storeroom, of which 4 lire are deducted 2 soldi per lira according to his convention, leaving three lire, twelve soldi marchesane, and posted in Expense, at c. 3 …….. L. III. XII.
(C). Our Most Illustrious Lord the Duke for the expense of the goods and things which are received (?), or are given, or made gifts to Piedro de Schiveto and to other persons for the personal use of the aforesaid His Ducal Lordship…
Of Maestro Gerardo da Vicenza, eminent painter, 28th day of July, painting of one pack of triumph cards; having Piedro de Schiveto for the use of our most Illustrious lord ……… L. III. XII.
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SOURCE 9: Gherardo da Vicenza - document of 1460/11
Quote from the earlier Trionfi notes collection of (2003-07): Document 24 [old counting] / Gherardo da Vicenza 1460/11. Naturally these older texts present not in all points my opinion of nowadays.
The new text here might contain some corrections against the earlier versions.
Document 24 [old counting]
This documents consists of 3 documents at the same date, probably referring to the same object.
(A). 1460 [8 November – payment to Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza]
E adi VIII de novembre lire septe, soldi quarto marchesani, che sono per sua fatura et spexe de havere depinto para doa de charte da triumphi de coluri tanto, le quale funo consignate a Piedro de Schiveto per uxo dela guardaroba del prefato Duca Signore nostro ……..
[Franceschini 1993 n. 921 (p. 561)]
(B). 1460 [8 November – payment to Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza]
E adi VIII de novembre lire otto marchesane, che sono per sua factura et spexe de havere depinto para doe de charte da triumphi, de coluri tanto, secondo usanza; have Piedro de Schiveto per uxo dela guardaroba de lo Illustrissimo Duca Signore nostro; de le quale lire otto se ne abate soldi 2 per lira secondo la sua conventione, unde resta lire septe, soldi quarto marchesani. E posto a Spexa a c. 7
………… L. VII. IIII.
[Franceschini 1993 n. 924 (p. 562)]
(C). 1460 [8 November – payment to Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza]
Illustrissimo duca Signore nostro…
Da Maistro Girardo da Vicenza depintore, adi VIII de novembre fatura et spexa de havere depinto para doa de charte da triumphi de coluri secondo usanza …….. L. VII. IIII.
[Franceschini 1993 n. 925b (p. 562)]
| Preliminary translation (by Ross Gregory Caldwell)
(A). And the 8th day of November seven lire, four soldi marchesane, which are for his making and expenses in having painted two packs of triumph cards of such colours, which were given to Piedro de Schiveto for the use of guardaroba of the aforesaid our Lord Duke ……… L. VII. IIII.
(B). And the 8th day of November, eight lire marchesane, which are for his making and expenses in having painted two packs of triumph cards, of such colours, according to the use; having Piedro de Schiveto for the use of the guardaroba of our most Illustrious Lord the Duke; of which eight lire are rebated 2 soldi per lira according to his convention, leaving seven lire, four soldi marchesane. And posted in Expense at c. 7 …….. L. VII. IIII.
(C). Our Most Illustrious Lord Duke …
Of Maestro Gerardo da Vicenza, painter, 8th day of November, making and expense in having painted two packs of triumph cards of colours according to usage ……… L. VII. IIII.
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SOURCE 10: Gherardo da Vicenza - document of 1460/12
Quote from the earlier Trionfi notes collection of (2003-07): Document 25 [old counting] / Gherardo da Vicenza 1460/12. Naturally these older texts present not in all points my opinion of nowadays.
The new text here might contain some corrections against the earlier versions.
Document 25 [old counting]
1460 [record of 24 December – payment to Gerardo di Andrea da
E adi XXIIII de dicembre libre diece, soldi sedice marchesani, per lui dalo Illustrissimo nostro Signore, per soa manefatura et spexa de dipinzere para 3 de triunfi, consignate a Piedro de Schiveto per uxo dela guardaroba delo Illustrissimo nostro Signore; e posto a Spexa a c. 100 a termine de mixi 6 prosimi advegnire, principiati in la fine deli infrascripti mixi, videlicet:
In fine de luglio 1460 …………………… L. 3.12.0.
In fine de novembre prosimo passato ……L. 7. 4. 0.
Al "Memoriale GG", a c. 376 ……………L. X. XVI.
[Franceschini 1993 n. 917a (p. 554)] |
Preliminary translation (by Ross Gregory Caldwell)
And the 24th day of December ten lire, sixteen soldi marchesane, for him from our Most Illustrious Lord, for his manufacture and expense in painting 3 packs of triumphs, given to Piedro de Schiveto for the use of the guardaroba of our Most Illustrious Lord; and posted in Expense at c. 100 at the end of the 6 months to come, starting at the end of the below written months, that is:
- At the end of July 1460 …………….. L. 3. 12. 0.
At the end of November just past ……L. 7. 4. 0.
In the “Memoriale GG”, at c. 376 ……L. X. XVI.
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SOURCE 11: Gherardo da Vicenza - document of 1461
Quote from the earlier Trionfi notes collection of (2003-07): Document 26 [old counting] / Gherardo da Vicenza 1461. Naturally these older texts present not in all points my opinion of nowadays.
The new text here might contain some corrections against the earlier versions.
Document 26 [old counting]
1461 [28 January – payment to Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza]
Maistro Girardo da Vicenza depintore de havere adi XXVIII de zenaro lire septe, soldi quarto marchesani per sua manifactura et spexe de havere depinto para doa de charte da triumphi de coluri, stampate et date de colori da roverso secondo usanza. Le quale have Piedro de Schiveto……………. L. VII. IIII.
[Franceschini 1993 n. 952a (p. 580)] |
Preliminary translation (by Ross Gregory Caldwell)
Maestro Gerardo da Vicenza, painter, having the 28th day of January seven lire, four soldi marchesane, for his manufacture and expenses in having painted two packs of triumph cards of colours, printed and given colours on the backs according to use. The which had Piedro de Schiveto ……… L. VII. IIII.
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SOURCE 12: Gherardo da Vicenza - document of 1463
Quote from the earlier Trionfi notes collection of (2003-07): Document 27 [old counting] / Gherardo da Vicenza 1463. Naturally these older texts present not in all points my opinion of nowadays.
The new text here might contain some corrections against the earlier versions.
Document 26 [old counting]
After a relatively long pause of 2 years in 1463 a last commission for Trionfi decks is paid. After it it takes a long time until in the Ferrarese account books
Trionfi decks are mentioned again. The reasons for these missing entries is unknown. Perhaps duke Borso lost interests; or Trionfi decks had become cheaper, when done outside of the courts, perhaps cheaper cause of modernized printing techniques.
1463 [31 December – payment to Gerardo di Andrea da Vicenza]
Per manifatura et spessa de avere colorito para quarto de carte da triunfi per zugare per uxo delo Illustrissimo Duca Signore nostro, a lire quarto el paro segondo la tassa consueta montano lire sedese marchesane; resta detrato li soldi dui per lira lire quatordese, soldi otto marchesani, et posto a Spexa, c. 8 …… L. XIIII. VIII.
[Franceschini 1993 n. 1001e (p. 614); cf. Ortalli 1996b:186, 189] |
Preliminary translation (by Ross Gregory Caldwell)
For manufacture and expenses in having coloured four packs of triumph cards for playing for the use of our Most Illustrious Lord the Duke, at four lire per pack according to the usual rate resulting in sixteen lire marchesane; leaving to deduct the two soldi per lira, fourteen lire eight soldi marchesane, and posted in Expense, c. 8 ……..L. XIIII. VIII.
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Repeated Note:
When Ross Caldwell and me in 2003 started to collect Trionfi notes between 1442-1463, we had about 27/28 entries (which I nowadays would count as 31). The major part were the documents of Ferrara, which were collected by Gherardo Ortalli and Adriano Franceschini in the "Prince and the Playing Cards" (1996), after the base laying works of Michael Dummett and Stuart Kaplan around 1980. This collection included 2 notes about Trionfi cards in Florence, found by Franco Pratesi in his earlier work (allowances of the Trionfi game in 1450 and 1463). A graphical representation of this time (with 27 entries) shows the dominance of Ferrarese documents (in black) with a few notes only from other locations (in red; see picture to the right)
In the period 2004 till October 2011 it was possible to add 4 further notes (Siena 1452, Padova 1455, Ancona c. 1460 and Valerio Marcello c. 1460), mainly thanks to information given by Thierry Depaulis.
Franco Pratesi started his new article series in November 2011. Since then the list has gotten 67 new documents till September 2012 (65 of them found by Franco Pratesi, one, now the oldest of September 1440, by Thierry Depaulis, and another one by Veber Gulinelli, who controlled the earlier work of Franceschini and found an overlooked document) and nearly all are related to Florence or its surrounding.
A small book (118 pages) was published around Christmas 2012, Franco Pratesi: "Playing Card Trade in 15th Century Florence" as IPCS Paper No. 7 (ISSN 0305-2133). It contains some of the articles, which before had appeared at this website, those, which treat the early time of 15th century. Thierry Depaulis commented in his foreword: "This book is a landmark in the history of early playing cards in Italy".
Well, maybe not the book, but the research is clearly a landmark in various interests. For the collection of early Trionfi notes it somehow means, that we have within the year 2012 about 200 % more data for the period 1440-1462 than mankind had collected in the 200 years before.
Added later:
In August 2013 the new report of Arnold und Doris Esch: "Aus der Frühgeschichte der Spielkarte. Der Import von carte da giocare und trionfi nach Rom." in Gutenberg Jahrbuch 2013, 88. Jahrgang, p. 41-53, arrived in our redaction. It contains 106 new references to Trionfi decks, which all were found in the customs registers of the city Rome for the period 1453-1465. With this the number of all earlier Trionfi cards records has been doubled and should have reached then c. 210 (from which a few are only considered to be "Trionfi card notes" and don't contain the word "Trionfi" or something similar).
I'd started to sort the new Trionfi card documents overview in October 2012. Articles will be possibly changed according improvements in research.
Old Overview about Trionfi Card documents in 2003

Overview about Trionfi Card documents in 2013